English evening

English evening

The English Evening is presented once a term, for the first three terms. Learners compete in presenting a speech, whether specially prepared for the occasion, or one already presented in class.

Learners are also given the opportunity to recite a poem – many participants use the opportunity to showcase a poem written by themselves. This activity gives learners the opportunity to hone their skills in English in front of an audience comprising learners from other grades, parents and teachers. It teaches self-confidence and provides a sounding board for their thoughts and emotions. The best speaker in the school is awarded the PNHS English Speaker Trophy annually and receives Half Colours (Colours if achieved in consecutive years). 100% participation in any given year earns a learner a certificate, two years of 100% participation is rewarded with an Honours Certificate, three years with Half Colours and four years with Colours.

Invariably great fun is had by all present at English Evenings.

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Nuutste Nuus

Daar het tydens 2020 as gevolg van die pandemie net een English Evening plaasgevind.

Die uitslae was soos volg:

Senior toesprake:

  1. Lize Britz
  2. Megan Hayes
  3. Maruché Smith

Junior toesprake:

  1. Chanté Stander
  2. Chelsea van der Merwe

Senior voordrag:

  1. Lize Britz
  2. Kayla Roets
  3. Renata de Beer en Kayla Sharpe (gelyk)

Junior voordrag:

  1. Romart Henning en Nantes Niemand (gelyk)
  2. Shauwron Oliphant

Algehele wenner:

Lize Britz.

Tydens die merietefunksie is erekleure aan Lize Britz toegeken vir 5 jaar se 100% deelname en 3 jaar as die beste senior redenaar. Halferekleure is aan Maruché Smith.toegeken vir 3 jaar se 100% deelname: Chanté Stander het halferekleure ontvang as die beste junior redenaar:. Die PNHS trofee vir Beste Engels Redenaar is aan Lize Britz toegeken.
